Bake with Love, Design with Passion
Salam..akak memang suka hasil tangan awak ni...Kalau buat hantaran...hadiah kan org pasti si penerimanya Happy the whole Day.Moga berjaya selalu ya..
tiap tiap hari i tunggu your update...lovely!
Terima kasih Kak Norli, moga akak pun beroleh kejayaan..Thanks KG, my deco dah stuck di tahap ni aje,kena masuk class nih. nak explore sendiri kat rumah ni jangan haraplah, ramai 'pembantu' hehehe
I've explored your blog but can't find the price for all the noce cakes and cupcakes anywhere. How do I get the info?Thanks
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Salam..akak memang suka hasil tangan awak ni...Kalau buat hantaran...hadiah kan org pasti si penerimanya Happy the whole Day.Moga berjaya selalu ya..
tiap tiap hari i tunggu your update...lovely!
Terima kasih Kak Norli, moga akak pun beroleh kejayaan..
Thanks KG, my deco dah stuck di tahap ni aje,kena masuk class nih. nak explore sendiri kat rumah ni jangan haraplah, ramai 'pembantu' hehehe
I've explored your blog but can't find the price for all the noce cakes and cupcakes anywhere. How do I get the info?
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