4th order from Azlynn my friend, she wanted something simple to suit her budget, i'm in the mood of creating something new, so after baking the choc moist cake this morning, after the first trial to arrange the flowers failed ,alhamdulillah i still got the mood to try out new arrangement...i personally like it..! to my eyes it's just simple, sweet & lovely, ;-D
Thank you Azlynn, Shah Alam...& she like it too :-)
Thank you Azlynn, Shah Alam...& she like it too :-)
Azlynn: hahaha....fiza, it wasn't me who always compare your cake with others. it was my sister, Along... everytime she taste other people's cake mesti dia cakap....mmm... sedap lagi kek fiza...
Even my sister in laws family which received the cake as hantaran mentioned that your cake was delicious!
fiza.. i love it too!!!! u're creative......
The roses is really lovely and I love the maroon colour too..Kak Izan
orang creative buat design memang la cantik...betul tak fiza...
walaupun dah x buat architecture design but u still throw your ideas through your cakes and it really makes other people feel wonderful and satisfied.
alhamdulillah angah, tq so much..ko byk support aku..dah ditakdirkan kot rezeki utk aku lebih kat bidang ni rather than archi..am loving it more & more each day.... ;-D
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